Thursday, November 24, 2011

Let me dream

For those 2 hours when I was mesmerized and enchanted into the world of Twilight, I wished so acutely that I were Bella or even Alice- impossibly beautiful, rich, poised, kind, immortal, married to their soul mate, having God-like strength, never having to worry about getting sick, never having to worry about the people around you getting sick and dying because your family is immortal, having a family who is loving, supportive and understanding of each other, despite everyone not being biologically related. Everybody and everything was beautiful, easy- even a life-and-death situation seemed easily surmountable, pretty and romantic even. And Isle Esme is like a paradise, the luxurious car, the private plane, the wardrobe of trendiest clothes, the special talents and powers, having Edward...haha...okay, I am so shallow. But..but..everything is so perfect, even the challenges and problems. I am not really a fan of immortality. I often don't get why people in movies want to fight for immortality. But I guess if you know that you AND the people you love around you, are all going to be eternally happy, rich, blissfully in love, healthy, forever young, then I guess you would want to live forever. Who could get enough of this heaven-like life?! (not that I know what heaven is like)

Ah well, movies! Fiction! Modern day fairy tale! Who wouldn't wish for one!

Don't bring me back to earth so soon, let me dream a little!

The wedding scene was mesmerizing because of the breathtakingly beautiful flowers

This is the soundtrack during the wedding. It was also the soundtrack during their prom dance in Twilight. 

Dreamy sigh...

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