Thursday, November 17, 2011


I was so mad yesterday. Today I am soooo soooo soooo MAD! Being the posting leader so far has been quite a breeze, easier than I have expected. I have had cooperative external lecturers, who communicated effectively to arrange classes with me. My arrangement of schedule has so far been smooth, not perfect, but no clashes or errors so far. But guess who is giving me troubles? My own group members/ colleagues. They skip ward rounds and the rest of the hardworking students and I got ticked off.

BLOODY BASTARDS...I have already told them from DAY 1 itself, who are the doctors you can't mess around with. Pandai-pandai lah...if you want to ponteng, see la who is the doctor. They, idiotic enough, decided to skip the sessions by the 2 most observant and strict doctors. What the fuck! Use your bloody brain la... Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot, you don't have brains! And you know what is their excuse?

"That morning, it looked like it was going to rain, so we decided not to go for the ward round."

Go fuck yourselves. You don't have even an ounce of guilt and shame in you that you could spit out this excuse to me and later on, to the doctor. I have never ever met such ridiculous people. Another of their group member, who also travels by bike could make it to the ward round, despite 'the weather which looked like it was going to rain'. Boy, they are psychic! This is the excuse given by medical students, FINAL YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS, who are going to be doctors in 6 months' time, who are going to handle with LIVES. Can you believe it? I don't get why such lazy, irresponsible, conscienceless people decide to enter med school. Seriously! I would tell them to go build roads but then I wouldn't trust the roads that they build or tar either.

And the other few students who insistently told me they did join the other doctor's round were actually telling the truth, but not the complete truth. You see, they joined rounds and half way through the rounds, they went off. Come on, you think the doctor is a moron or is senile?!

And the worse thing is, the WHOLE GROUP gets the blame. Now, our group will be branded as the lazy group. And our Attitude & Behaviour mark at the end will probably be affected. And do you think we have any more right to demand for extra teaching sessions, which we so badly need when we (although only that few students being the culprit) are not even attending the existing teaching sessions? Do you think we can still bug the school to fly in a neurologist to teach us neuro when we are seen as 'lazy'? And do you think the school is going to negotiate with the HOD of the male medical ward to allow us to join their ward round when 'we' are not even joining the existing ward rounds? A BIG FAT NO to all of the above. And why? Because of those fuckers, that's why.

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