Monday, October 17, 2011


Every so often, I would crave for some alcohol. Nothing much, just a can of beer will do. But every time after I drink, I would almost regret it. I find myself wondering what is so wonderful about it that millions of people are addicted to it. Maybe because I usually don't drink enough to allow me to achieve that feeling of euphoria? I usually skip straight to the tachycardia and the throbbing headache. The thing is I can't drink. That's a fact. Just a can of beer and I am beetroot red, 2 glasses of wine and I am scarily flushed in the face. As of today, I found out that just half a bottle of soju and not only my face, my eyes will be vampire-red. That's another reason why I don't indulge in alcohol. I look hideous after I drink! 

I satisfied my once-in-a-blue-moon alcoholic craving with some soju last night.  

And I KO after half a bottle...LOL!

1 comment:

  1. Soju is friggin strong! Even I can't handle it. LOL! I miss you babe! i havent seen you in yonks!
