Sunday, September 11, 2011

Death doesn't come as you wish

The most dangerous type of patient is one who is not afraid of dying, who thinks that he is ready to face death head on, who thinks that an illness ends directly in death. Little did they know that an illness does not straightaway end in death. You fall sick and drop dead just like that= Quick death. Well, that' s wishful thinking! There is what we call Course of disease or Disease progress. There's always, always the in-between of a disease process which you have to suffer and go through before you die= The slow death. 

If you drop dead straight from a heart attack, then good for you. What if you don't? What if your atherosclerotic plaques break off and go to your brain and give you a stroke and you end up paralyzed? Again, you put your loved ones through suffering and sorrow because who is going to wipe your bum everyday, feed you or turn you every few hours to prevent pressure sores other than your loved ones. Don't be so 'optimistic' and think that death can come to you so easily, as you wish, the way you want it to. Think of the worst scenario before you decide to stop your medication and wait to die. 

And don't even get me started on waiting to die. There are so many, many sick people out there who are fighting to live and here you people are, smoking your lungs off despite having asthma, eating all you want despite having diabetes. Come on! (ala Prof Khin Ye Myint' s style) want us to be good doctors to you. You people us out and be good patients laaaaaaaaaaaaa............! 



  1. Very hard to find good patients :) But the older ones.... those above 70 and all... are still relatively nice to us!

  2. So true. It is extremely frustrating to get the "tak tahu" look. Anyways...Enjoy ur Paeds!I have long left it with the possibility of its knowledge too...." oh shit"(worried look)...hahaha...Take Care Eunice!
