Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You dirty monsters

I don't get it. I don't get why some people are just incapable of keeping clean. After a month of bathing in yellow-stained bathrooms and using dirty laundry room, I have lodged a complaint, which turned out to be effective. The next day, everything was spotless. Few days later, the sink was clogged with maggi mee and the area around the sink littered with tissue paper. SERIOUSLY?!!! You dirty monsters! Whoever that did that.

Come on, what good does it do you to have the sink clogged up? You won't be able to use it later on. Why can't you throw your tissue paper in the garbage bin just few STEPS away? Not to mention the previous monster, who left her sanitary napkin in the bathroom. I had to close my eyes when I showered so that my vision would not be tainted by that disgusting sight. Come on, leaving your napkin lying around was something forgivable, though not excusable, when we were in secondary school. The sanitary bin is just outside the bathroom, for God's sake! I thought we are past that now. We are in our 20s, we are young adults, we are women now. JEEZ..... 

I am not asking you to clean the toilet or whatever. You just have to clean up after YOURSELF. Even dogs and cats clean up after themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I so understand how that feels! It's so frustrating kan? Last time it happened at my floor oso but it was the 5th year seniors who did it. So frustrating!
