Sunday, October 10, 2010


The little things in life that makes me happy- swimming. Nothing can make me feel better than to go for a swim after a day spent cramming all the medical facts into my brain. I actually enjoy my swim better if I go alone. Oh well, I need my private space. Not convincing. Okay, fine. I'm a loner.

The pool was awfully dirty today...could see the murky water before I went in, even without my specs. Just as I expected, I couldn't see through the supposed-to-be-transparent water as I swam. I actually felt kinda afraid not being able to see clearly in the water...made me feel insecure. Ah, finally, I just decided to close my eyes when my head was was in the water, opening them only when I surfaced in between.

I have no idea why I don't feel breathless when I swim, unlike when I go running. I think I don't swim hard or fast enough. It makes me feel like I don't get to train my stamina. At least when I go running, I can feel the built up of lactic acid through the aching muscles, the panting as I go into oxygen debt, the tachycardia and my pumping heart. At least I know I'm building up my stamina. But I never feel any of these things when I swim. Yes, swimming burns more calories but I'm barely panting or tachycardic. There must be something wrong. I should probably master my freestyle quickly and switch to it. Freestyle's more demanding. Breaststroke apparently is the slowest of all the other competitive swimming styles.

I have the misfortune of having to deal with one of the juniors today. O.M.G. I didn't believe when N told me how useless she is. (Pardon me, this is supposed to be my outlet so I'm allowed to use as harsh a word as I like.) I had to text her as N's phone has some problems. The questions she asked me...ZOMG...totally reflects her lack of initiative, her laziness, inefficiency and brainlessness. Aih... And I heard she even asked N how to write that letter. For God's sake, didn't she learn how to write Surat rasmi or Formal letter in primary school? Or was that in secondary school? Whatever. Gunalah otak sikit sebelum tanya yang bukan-bukan. We might as well just do her job for her. And to think she even tried to boycott the whole project. Come to think of it, she wouldn't be able to pull through that stint anyway.

Well, I'm more tolerant these days. So I might be able to get through the whole project without raising my voice. Worse comes to worse, I'll just revert to sarcasm. That goes better with a normal tone of voice.

Oh, I got my appetite back. I was suffering from an idiopathic loss of appetite for the last 2 months where nothing seems to be appetizing to me. But, recently, I can feel the appetite coming back. Wonder if that's a good thing... My rationalizing mechanism is trying to convince me that it's a good thing. Oh well, we'll see.

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