Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Down with the sexist men

One of the qualities in men that I absolutely abhor is sexism. Sexist sexist comment from their mouth and these men are automatically transferred to my list of intolerable, insufferable humans to be avoided at all costs, no matter if they go on to win the Nobel Prize or be the Richest Man on the Planet.

I was extremely restless and annoyed yesterday. First thing in the morning, my whole class waited for 1 hour 30 minutes for a doctor, who did not arrive in the end (though I can bet that it's not his fault, he's a very respectable doctor whom we all like). Might I add that in the midst of waiting, I asked the administrative staff in my school office, who very politely told me it's none of her business, when in fact, it's totally her and her department's business to call and remind the doctors about the lectures.

And then I spent 3 hours 30 minutes in the afternoon listening to 3 gentlemen from the government department brief us about HOW to apply for housemanship. The objective of these 3 talks were important and relevant enough, except that by the end of the day, my whole class still doesn't have a single clue on what we are supposed to do. We were supposed to fill in an online form and up till today, not one of the 69 of us has managed to fill in the online form successfully due to their website problem. Oh the government of Malaysia, when will you ever progress?!

The second speaker was the aforementioned insufferable and intolerable man. He was the typical Malay (I'm not racist, you'll know why I had to add in this adjective later), government worker who talked about discipline, appropriate attire (now you know what I mean, only Malaysian Malay Men who work with the government like to talk about 'appropriate' attire) and proper appearance. He said "Ladies have to make themselves attractive...*a little commotion among the crowd, or maybe it was just me*..., it's important to be attractive and fashionable a bit. For example, that time I went to a hospital in Thailand, the nurses there are all very attractive." I waited for his rationale and reasoning to support his comment but none came. What's the point and objective of his example, I don't know. And ironically, he is not even an attractive man to begin with. He then touched on attire..."For ladies, janganlah pakai pakaian yang menjolok mata." (Fair enough an advice)...He then continued "Menyeksa orang di sekeliling tengok...fahamkan apa yang saya cakap...?" Am I the only oversensitive female or was his comment utterly and despicably disgusting?! He's also rather hypocritical, asking us not to dress too attractively (menjolok mata) and then, stressing on the importance of being attractive. Well, they are not synonymous I know but you get my point. He then went on about moral and discipline..bla...bla...bla... Oh about moral, did you people know LAUGHING TOO LOUD is considered TIDAK BERMORAL? Disappointingly, 2 of my male classmates told me they enjoyed his talk the most. Somebody, KILL ME! Not surprisingly, those 2 guys are also 2 of the most sexist males in my class.

Attractiveness is a very subjective thing. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Attractive is important, you say? Are you telling us that your department considers attractiveness as a criteria for housemanship application? That you are going to choose only the attractive females and give them the hospitals that they want? Are you going to choose the attractive females and give them more benefits? Is being attractive going to make us a safer doctor? Are attractive female doctors going to save more lives? The last I remember, I signed up for Med school, not Malaysian's Next Top Model. I am not jealous of attractive women (good for you ladies) nor am I upset that I am not as hot as Megan Fox. It's just that I thought I live in the 21st century where responsibility, reliability, diligence, intelligence, kindness, versatility, confidence and creativity are more important qualities to stress on, rather than a mere 'attractiveness'.

BOO to the sexist pigs!

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