Friday, March 11, 2011

Send me some angels

There is just so much to learn but it's frustrating not knowing what ARE those things that I should know. Dr Thawdar is excellent but there's only one of her. I feel so kehausan kasih sayang or rather, kehausan perhatian. Now I know what it feels like to be craving for attention. I realised there are 2 more weeks before exams, THE exam with the highest mortality. And so, I have started to be really aggressive...getting hold of any houseman that looks remotely free, even for a second, to present a case to them. BUT, sigh... I mean okay, I get to practise my presentation skills, which after Community Medicine Posting, have seriously deteriorated. But, I would really prefer someone more experienced, more quick to point out my mistakes, more accurate to confirm my findings and tell me what dysmorphic features am I staring at or what murmur I am listening to. Not just telling me it's a systolic murmur without even timing it to the pulse. 

Many doctors will be going on leave next week and the remaining ones will be too busy to take us for extra lessons since their colleagues are going on leave. Basically, we will be left on our own. I don't mind going and doing my own stuff in the ward, but it would be great if someone could hone my clinical skills a little, if there is even a bare amount of skill to begin with, that is.

Aih...Dear God, please send down some angels to teach me (us), so that, in the long run, (in the short term, so that we may pass our exams) we may be a more wholesome doctor, a doctor, who will be good enough in paediatrics to save (or not kill) the little children who need our help in the future.

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