Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Let me sleep!

I am glad my boyfriend is also a doctor. No offense to anyone or not trying to sound all high and mighty. At the end of work each day, we would talk about our day and most of the time, I'd unload on him about how my work has been.. About the patients, the bosses, some interesting cases, how busy I was. And he would understand. I can't tell this thing to my dad or my brother, my mum understands quite well and sympathizes. My dad once told my mum he couldn't understand why I could be so busy and that stemmed from me not answering his calls. How can I answer his call when I m in the middle of doing rounds with my specialist or when I am working in labour room where there is no line. My brother came home from work and asked quite persistently for me to go dinner with him. How can I comply willingly when all I want is to have some sleep after being awake for 21 hours or that I need to grab some precious sleep before going to work the night shift?! They don't understand and I don't bother explaining.

And so I salute couples of different occupations, for being able to understand and compromise with each other on the different line of work and working time. How do they do it?!

And this post arises due to frustration on being awaken from sleep just to go eat. I would have preferred to have my sleep and then wake up in a better mood which would have given me a better appetite. Once again, family or not, I miss my privacy and freedom! :(

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