Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I have a high chance of developing schizophrenia. Why?

1. I have a 2nd-degree relative with schizo, which gives me a 5-6% likelihood of getting it, as
opposed to 1% for the normal population.
2. After Prof Kumar's lecture today, I release my type of defense mechanism is SUPPRESSION,
to which Prof Kumar added, "A person like this would one day explode."

And this is why I decided to start a blog, to protect my ego. According to Freud's theory of Id, Ego and Superego,each person has a defense mechanism to protect our ego.

If our ego is somehow damaged or broken, bam!!! mental illness develops!

Since my defense mechanism is such an unhealthy and dangerous one, I have decided to try out new methods of defense mechanism, that is sublimation and intellectualization.

In simpler terms, I hope that by actually expressing all my grievances, unhappiness and frustration here, it would make me a more 'balanced person'. LOL....not to say that I'm imbalanced here. I'm talking about prevention here. I will have Freud (and Prof Kumar, of course) to thank if I never ever develop any psychiatric illness in my lifetime.

And I have also named by blog after Freud, as a tribute. haha..

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