Week 2 in surgical posting
Surgery is fun and relaxing.
Standing for hours watching surgeries is taking a toil on my back and leg veins. I can almost feel my varicose veins worsening. Seriously contemplating the options for treatment should they worsen. I was kidding around with Nadiah- When people asked me next time why I didn't end up pursuing surgery, I will tell them "Oh because I don't want to get varicose veins."
The hospital and OR are Brrr-rrr Cold, a big difference from previous Medicine posting, when I was soaked with sweat which would turn into dried sticky sweat with dust and oil on my face, and then began sweating again- the cycle of sweat-- dried sweat--- sweat the whole day- Something I am glad to be rid of now.
Miss Saw is great. Love her teaching and was not as fearsome as people say and certainly not as terrifying as Dr Snake from O & G last time. But still, she has an infamous reputation. People who work alongside her are known and bound to get SAWED by her, literally di-gergaji. But I still think her teaching is awesome though she is quit fussy. Well, as Dr Soo said, as doctors, we should be more fussy. We would want a fussy doctor to treat us or our family members. Hmmm...but I still hear of some ridiculous rules which she is said to demand of us from our clinical skills. Might have to conclude my impression of her later on.
Have not experienced the awesomeness of the mighty Mr Chuah. I am totally ready to be awed and inspired.
Noticed the ratio of female surgeons to male surgeons is very low. And the ratio of female training specialists/ MO to male is even lower. I also noticed of all the 3 female surgeons, one is single and one is nulliparous (don't know if she is married, she only told us she is nulliparous...lol). Don't know the marital status of the other one. As much as I aspire to be a surgeon, I also want to have a family.
I can't seem to finish my presentation on Painful Scrotum due tomorrow morning. :(
Oh and most importantly, there are many cute MOs in Surgery. I may have a new infatuation, mainly because the old one, who is supposed to be in Surgery too, is nowhere to be seen. So, what choice do I have but to find a new one? HAHA. Hiao-nya aku.