Monday, July 4, 2011


I wish I can spend my life just lying on a really comfortable couch in front of a swimming pool of clear, glistening water (less than 2 feet deep, so that my feet can reach the bottom..hee...) with endless stacks of novels and endless cups of fruit juices and yogurt in permanently cool weather. Maybe I would want a fridge nearby with Krispy creme donuts, marshmallows, fresh fruits, cool beer, muffins and delicious pasta in it. And maybe a microwave next to it to warm up the muffins and pasta. Life would be perfect!

Can I not go back to reality?! Here is my escape from reality. A half-finished case report is in front of me, screaming for my attention but the call of Cathy Kelly's Once in a Lifetime and my bed is stronger! :'(

To present ONE case tomorrow, I had to go to the hospital today, come back and prepare my case report, read up on Acute Rheumatic Fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Chronic Rheumatic Heart Disease, Rheumatic Heart Disease in Pregnancy, Management of Heart Disease in Pregnancy and may I remind you, there are a few sources and books from which I have to read EACH topic from.


Angel on my right shoulder says "Eunice, you can do this! There's only a few sections left on your report. The 1 month of combined lectures has made lazy. You have to buck up. It's the REAL DEAL starting tomorrow! You're in final year, no more procrastination! You love the thrill of hospital ward love it when you come across an interesting case like this CRHD patient. You will be back to your normal excited self once you step foot in the hospital again tomorrow. The bed is a temptation! You will regret tomorrow if you give in to it. Don't let it get the better of you."   

Jeez...the angel should be an old fairy godmother. She is such a nag! I GET IT LAAA........

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