I found a 2-day part-time job for the weekend. I worked as a promoter for Nestle Omega milk. They were running a roadshow with promotional offer of free cholesterol check with a purchase of a pack of milk powder. I was provided with a T-shirt for the 2-day job. Being a bit of a cleanliness freak, just a little, I washed the T-shirt after the end of my work on Day 1.
I was washing it by hand when my grandmother, who came over to stay for a couple of days, asked why was I washing clothes at such a late hour. I told her the reason, that I have to wear it again the next day. The next morning came and it was raining cats and dogs. When I came back from church, I found my work T-shirt all dry and hung up ready to be worn. My grandmother, knowing that it wouldn't dry in time in such a weather, had ironed my shirt till it became dry. I was touched beyond words. She remembered what I said, when I only said it briefly. I myself didn't even remember or think of the fact that my shirt would not dry in the cool, rainy weather. I hadn't even thought of wanting to check if it was dry. But, my grandmother, this amazing woman, thought it all.
I have never yet met a woman like my grandmother. She is kind, generous (in time, money and effort), thoughtful and considerate, hardworking, open-minded for a woman in her 80's. Did I mention that she single-handedly raise 7 children on her own after her husband passed away when she was only in her late 20's? She never remarry. She, a widow, continued the tofu-making business left to her by her late husband and her children had always had enough to eat, wear and use. All her children always had at least 3 pieces of new clothes for Chinese New Year when they were young. When her daughters wanted to pursue a career in hairdressing and beauty all the way to UK, she supported them fully and not just 1 daughter, but 3 daughters. A few went on to get a degree. I have never heard her utter a word of complain or regret. I have never heard her grumble.
Over the years, she lost both her sons. The pain of a mother watching her child go before her is something which, unless you experience it for yourself, is completely unfathomable. In my popo's case, it was not 1, but the 3 most important men in her life- first, her husband, then her oldest son and subsequently, her youngest son. Apart from the permanent and painful scar it left on her, she is still this amazing, amazing, awesome lady that she is. She is so soft- spoken, so mild-tempered, so gentle and at the same time, she is an iron lady- the strongest and most resilient woman I have ever met.
She is one helluva woman!!!